Wait... What did you just think?

Put your thinking caps on! Let's travel a few years (I mean, a lot of years!) into the future.

You walk out of your house, breathing in the aroma of freshly cut grass in the morning. You happen to see this girl jogging down the lane. Naturally, every boy's first thought (I repeat, just think!) "Woah, she's hot!". The girl stops jogging, turns to you, comes up and *bam* slaps you right in the face!

Wait, what? That's impossible! 
Yeah, it is.. Or is it?

Just imagine, every person having the ability to read minds. Kinda creepy!

We wouldn't be able to live like we did, we wouldn't be able to think like we did, we won't be able to set our imagination free!
But on the fun side, you wouldn't have to whisper to someone; just think about what you want to tell them and Voila! But just imagine your family knowing about all your dirty thoughts, imagine your wife knowing about your fantasy with that woman from work and most importantly, imagine knowing what your friends really think about you! 

I cannot even imagine what all your brains are thinking about right now! Just set it free, think all you want to because who knows when this dream will come true!


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