Mar Sem Fim
Hey there!
The world is a strange place and what happens in it is even stranger. Are you a travel freak? Ever picked up a globe, closed your eyes, touched a spot and decided that you'll go there? Or maybe decided on someone's word that you'll someday visit the United States, the United Kingdom, Paris or India?
Everyone has wishes, everyone has dreams; dreams to visit exotic places and serene lands. I've met a lot of people desperate to travel, but not one man has ever told me that he wishes to travel to ...

Image courtesy: Wikipedia
Hold your horses, you don't have to freeze to death visiting Antarctica!
But there is one place in particular that caught my attention: Maxwell Bay of Ardley Cove, Antarctica. And know the reason why?
Image courtest: Amusing Planet
This is the Mar Sem Fim which means "Endless Sea" in English, a Brazilian yacht that was shipwrecked, sunk and was frozen on 7th April, 2012. Winds that blew at more than 100 kph turned the boat trapping it's crew members inside. They used their radio to call out for help and it was received by the Chilean army. All crew members were saved but the rescue mission was delayed due to bad weather.
João Lara Mesquita, who was also in the yacht, wrote in his blog:
“Then, with strong winds and high waves, the boat Frei came to us. Our evacuation was epic. Waves of more than 1.5 meters and winds over 40 knots made the boat jump from one side to another, like a bucking bronco. When it got close, each of us … threw ourselves into the arms of three Chilean crew members. Fortunately all went safely.”
“Then, with strong winds and high waves, the boat Frei came to us. Our evacuation was epic. Waves of more than 1.5 meters and winds over 40 knots made the boat jump from one side to another, like a bucking bronco. When it got close, each of us … threw ourselves into the arms of three Chilean crew members. Fortunately all went safely.”
Unfortunate for Mar Sem Fim, the boat couldn't be rescued as the freezing water was filled the boat and cracked its hull by a phenomenon called compression.
If you're interested you can always buy the book: Endless Sea.
Resources: Sometimes Interesting, Wikipedia, Amusing Planet.
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