The Rat Race

Hello, readers! I do not wish to write on my behalf, but in fact, I write for the many students whose voices are not heard. Life, in the case of an ordinary middle-class child, can be called a “rat race”.
Let me just explain what a typical “rat race” is; a child is born, he joins a school and gets good to fair grades. Soon the child graduates and joins college. Just like everyone he sees, the man seeks a secure job. He soon starts making money and he feels the urge to spend some money on himself. Just like the others in his age group, he meets someone, maybe falls in love and marries her. The perfect life! They decide to buy a little land, build a little house, take a vacation and have children. Now the perfect life is almost over. Don’t believe me? Read on... The little child is born- Oh so sweet! The need for cash is enormous. The couple knows that they must work harder and take into their career more seriously. They seek better jobs and pay raises. They receive their pay raise and along with it comes the second child. The parents try their best to stay at the top of their work. They understand that they need a bigger house. They may even go back to get a major in what they specialize. But as their income increases, so do the taxes. They check their bank balances and wonder where all their money went. The children may have reached the age of 5 or 6. The parents have to save money for the children’s higher studies. That happy couple born about 30 years ago is now trapped in the “rat race”
After reading that, think.... We are born for ourselves. We work for huge companies, we pay taxes for the government and we are in debt to the banks! Then, we advise our children to follow this same “rat race”. The age old advice that is killing our creative minds “Study hard! Get good grades! Find a safe career!” The same process works itself into another hard-working generation.

This is what we are doing to ourselves. We are ruining our lives going behind grades and jobs. No one dreams anymore of sailing the seas. No one dreams of sitting under an apple tree all day. No one dreams about the end of the universe. No one dreams of building a space portal. No one dreams of taking “the road less traveled”. We have all been programmed to walk along the highway and no one wants to take off into those muddy roads. No one wants to fall into pits. No one is willing to get hurt. Making money to survive is all that everyone cares about today. So, my dear friends, think... IS this what we are destined for? Are we all meant to die in the “rat race”? It’s never too late to just jump off the track and take off into the wild!


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